Cross-Canada Conservation Project
Spreading the Gampr love! 💕
Rare Breed Status
Promoting - Establishing - Growing Population
In modern agriculture, a rare breed is a breed that has a very small breeding population, usually from a few hundred to a few thousand. Although the Gampr is still considered to be extremely rare in Canada, the population is rapidly growing through the strategic breeding and import program goals of the AGCC.
We are proud to boast that after the first Gampr pair was imported in 2012, the population has continued to grow healthily across Canada reaching 150 as of January 2022.
[phase 1] [phase 2] [phase 3]
Conservation instead of Preservation
Tech Lead
We are working to conserve and promote heritage and rare breeds of Canadian farm animals.
Heritage Livestock Canada is a federally registered charitable organization formed in 1987. We are working to conserve, monitor and promote heritage and rare breeds of Canadian farm animals.
Conservation takes many forms: we work to increase populations, encourage registration of pure stock, assist farmers to find breeding stock, educate the public, maintain a bank of rare semen and create networks so farmers can find and exchange stock and find markets for their produce.
Markets are developing for heritage meats–in many cases demand outstrips supply. Thanks to years of dedicated work by Livestock Conservation organization around the world, there is a glimmer of hope for heritage breeds. As long as we will eat them, farmers will keep them.
Many breeds that played a vital part in feeding Canadians in the past are still in danger of extinction. Our annual Conservation List takes the pulse of these fragile populations. Heritage Livestock Canada also collects data in targeted census counts to understand population distribution.
Food security is an important issue in our conservation effort. The genetics of the older rustic breeds have qualities that are in demand now and may be invaluable in the future. Today’s industrial farming methods of intensification and specialization have put our food supply at risk by creating a dangerous dependency on a narrow genetic base and highly mechanized management.
Heritage breeds are thrifty, easy keepers– are disease resistant, birth easily, and have superior mothering abilities. Chefs and cheese makers all over the world are excited about the superior taste of heritage meat. Heritage breeds are ideally suited to organic and sustainable agriculture systems such as rotational grazing and natural, outdoor livestock housing. They complement smallholdings and can be equally successful commercially in the developing niche markets for conscientious consumers
Special Genetics Import Project
Office Manager
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Lisa Rose
Product Manager
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